Workshop Contents

  • Icon & text

    Pre-planning aspects • Applicator insertion • Intracavitary and interstitial applicators • How to achieve the best implant

  • Contouring

    Contouring on CT images of real brachytherapy cases • Feedback from authors of CT contouring recommendations

  • Icon & text

    Hands-on optimisation of dose distribution • Evaluation of treatment plans and DVH• Planning aims and dose constraints • Tips and tricks

Time to Workshop

  • 00 Days
  • 00 Hours
  • 00 Minutes
  • 00 Seconds

Prof. Dr. Umesh Mahantshetty, DMRT, MD, DNB (RT)

I am the Director of Homi Bhabha Cancer Hospital & Research Centre, Visakhapatnam and was formerly working at Tata Memorial Centre, Mumbai India, where I led the GYN Radiation Oncology group. After completion of MD and Residency at Tata Memorial Hospital, I completed fellowships in brachytherapy and newer imaging at Erasmus Medical Centre, Rotterdam NL and MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, USA. I coauthored several international guidelines for Vulvar and Cervical Cancer. I was consultant to the ICRU 89 Report on GYN Brachytherapy and Senior Editor of various International and National Journals. I have been the Secretary of Indian Brachytherapy Society and part of Executive Committees of Association of Radiation Oncologists of India and GYN Oncologists of India since many years. I delivered numerous lectures at various national and international scientific forums and am a member of faculty at ESTRO School for GYN Radiation Oncology, Advanced Technologies courses, IAEA training Activities and is Director of AROI – ESTRO Course in India. I have approximately 200 publications in peer reviewed journals and book chapters. I was involved in some practice-changing research. In January 2021, I was labelled “world expert” by Expertscape for being in the top 0.1% scholars in the field of Uterine Neoplasms in the past decade.

Assoc. Prof. Primoz Petric, MD, PhD

I am the founder of BrachyTerra. I am senior consultant at the Department of Radiation Oncology, University Hospital Zürich, Switzerland, and Honorary Associate Professor at the Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark. Since 2009 I have been a member of Faculty at the ESTRO course on Gynaecological malignancies. I also teach or have taught at several other gynae oncology courses, including the IAEA courses and at workshops, organised by the Medical University of Vienna and Aarhus University Hospital in cooperation with the Industry. I am member of Gynaecological GEC ESTRO Working Group and collaborate(d) in multi-institutional EMBRACE and retro-EMBRACE study protocols. I was consultant to the ICRU 89 Report, authored or co-authored many scientific manuscripts, book chapters, and international guidelines on cervical cancer brachytherapy, and made contributions to conference proceedings. I gave numerous lectures and presentations at national and international scientific conferences