Course opened 01. 09. 2023


  • Investigators

    PI: Laura Motisi (CH), Sabrina Reichl (CH), Jonas Willmann (CH), Jacob Lindegaard (DK), Primoz Petric (CH, DK)

  • Faculty

    Jacob Lindegaard (DK), Primoz Petric (CH, DK)

  • Why this course?

    T-score is a novel risk-stratification concept for locally advanced cervical cancer with capabilities surpassing traditional staging (Lindegaard et al. 2021, 2022). It holds promise as a selection tool for treatment modifications, and as a prognostic factor for survival and local control (Lindegaard et al. 2020; Lindegaard et al. 2022). This course offers structured training on T-Score and how to use it in practice.

  • Target Audience

    Radiation oncologists

  • Format

    Online pre-recorded teaching • Lectures • Demonstrations • Links to Resources

  • Timing

    Accessible: 01. 09. - 15. 09. 2023.

Time to Course Kick-off

  • 00 Days
  • 00 Hours
  • 00 Minutes
  • 00 Seconds

Course curriculum

    1. Disclaimers, Conditions, and Conflicts of Interest

    2. Pre-course Quiz

    1. T-Score: New risk-stratification tool for cervical cancer. Jacob C Lindegaard

    2. Normal MRI Anatomy

    3. Primary Tumor on MRI

    4. How to use T-Score

    5. Clinical Examples of T-score

    6. T-Score from diagnosis to brachytherapy: 2 case examples

    1. Post-course Quiz

Contents at a glance

  • Free
  • 9 lessons
  • 1.5 hours of video content

Laura Motisi

Principal Investigator, TAG Study

Laura Motisi is a Consultant at the Department of Radiation Oncology, University Hospital Zürich, Switzerland. After Fellowship at the University Hospital Wien, with focus on Brachytherapy for cervical cancer and helping in the EMBRACE study, she has been focused on brachytherapy treatment. Active member of ESTRO, she is a Tutor since 2016 for different Contouring Workshop in FALCON Group and also member of Breast GEC ESTRO Working Group.

Sabrina Reichl


Jonas Willman


Jacob Christian Lindegaard


Jacob Christian Lindegaard (1959), consultant, MD, DMSc, Department of Oncology, Aarhus University Hospital (AUH), Denmark. Educated at Aarhus University. Preclinical research with professor Jens Overgaard. Past president of GEC-ESTRO. Since 2005 responsible for image guided adaptive brachytherapy at AUH.

Primoz Petric

Faculty & BrachyTerra Founder

I am the founder of BrachyTerra. I am senior consultant at the Department of Radiation Oncology, University Hospital Zürich, Switzerland, and Honorary Associate Professor at the Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark. Since 2009 I have been a member of Faculty at the ESTRO course on Gynaecological malignancies. I also teach or have taught at several other gynae oncology courses, including the IAEA courses and at workshops, organised by the Medical University of Vienna and Aarhus University Hospital in cooperation with the Industry. I am member of Gynaecological GEC ESTRO Working Group and collaborate(d) in multi-institutional EMBRACE and retro-EMBRACE study protocols. I was consultant to the ICRU 89 Report, authored or co-authored many scientific manuscripts, book chapters, and international guidelines on cervical cancer brachytherapy, and made contributions to conference proceedings. I gave numerous lectures and presentations at national and international scientific conferences